I don’t know about others, but I have been doing online classes for over a year now thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. I compiled a list of my best tips on how to ace your online classes so that we can finish the semester with the best grades possible.
I don’t like virtual learning, but I know they’re necessary. I’m a social person and I love everything about going to school. I’m also completing a communications degree so all of my classes are hands-on which makes converting to online classes tough.
The point is, finding the motivation to do your work from home isn’t easy. Keep reading below to see some of the tips I’ve learned along the way.
Tip #1: Attend your classes

First of all, don’t skip your classes. If your class has been moved to an online video platform it can be easy to forget or not want to go to class. However, it is still class and it is important to attend and learn the content.
Set reminders in your phone 10 minutes before class if you’re worried about forgetting them. This way you’ll be notified every time you have class!
My other tip is to pay attention in class. I know this is hard, and I’ve definitely spent a whole class on Instagram before, but you won’t learn anything that way. Try your best to be present. I’ve been putting my phone on the other side of the room, or in a different room, so that it won’t distract me.
Tip #2: Write down all of your assignments

Make a master list of everything you need to accomplish for the semester, whether you write it down in a notebook or in your notes app on your phone. The list may seem daunting at first, but it allows you to visualize everything that needs to be done. Make sure you write everything in the order it’s due so that you know what needs to be prioritized.
Being able to cross items off a list is also one of the most rewarding things in my mind. It will also motivate you to keep working in order to cross off those leftover items.
Tip #3: Make daily to-do lists

I know this seems like a lot of lists to make (what can I say, I love organizing), but it will be so helpful. Having visual lists of all your assignments is the key tip on how to ace your online classes.
The first thing I do when I sit down at my desk is make a list. I base it off my master list and give myself little pieces of work to do each day. This is the perfect opportunity to get ahead on your schoolwork even if you have nothing immediately due.
Tip #4: Get dressed for class
The last thing you probably want to do is get dressed for class when you don’t have to leave your house, but you will feel so much better just by putting on fresh clothes. Getting dressed also kickstarts your productivity because you’ve already done something to start your day by putting new clothes on.
By all means, this does not mean you need to put on a full face of makeup and jeans, but you should do what makes you feel happy. I like to wear comfy clothes around the house so I’ll switch my pyjamas out for sweatpants or leggings in the morning. Changing my clothes makes me feel less lazy and productivity is all about how you feel.
Tip #5: Designate a spot for assignments

Speaking of being comfy, having classes at home means that you can do your assignments anywhere you want. I prefer doing my schoolwork at my desk, but you can also do it from the comfort of your bed.
There are probably a million different ways you can distract yourself at home, which is why I don’t love online classes. By giving yourself a designated workspace, you are forcing yourself to get accustomed to only doing work in that area.
I don’t recommend doing your assignments or classes in bed because that is a huge distraction. You go to your bed to sleep so, of course, doing homework will be the last thing that you want to do if you’re in bed.
Find yourself a table or a desk where there aren’t any distractions. Away from your bed and away from a TV are the best options. If you do your work in the same place every day then you’ll get accustomed to the routine.
Tip #6: Take a break

My last piece of advice is to take a break. You don’t have to sit for hours on end listening to lectures and assignments. Give yourself mini-breaks between your classes.
Whenever I complete a challenging assignment I’ll reward myself by taking a break. I’ll watch a Youtube video, take a walk, or do a homework out. If you’re food-motivated, take a snack break. I love taking coffee breaks between tough assignments or lectures.
Burnout is real and if you don’t take breaks you will burn yourself out. The most important thing is to take care of yourself and that is how to ace your online classes.
I do all of these things every single day and it really has helped me ace my online classes. Doing all of these things will also help you develop an at home school routine, much like you would have had before classes got cancelled. If you want to read more on routines, here is my college morning routine.
Question: How do you feel about online classes?
I always found online classes to be a bit harder if you’re not disciplined with your time and attention. You make some good points here! thanks
I used to make a weekly list of all my assignments, it worked so well for me! I love your photos btw. Super cute and original!
That’s a smart idea! I’m going to start doing that. I love lists!
Thank you for these helpful tips! I could really use them to survive my online classes.
This is such a helpful post, especially for this weird last stretch of school where we are all feeling a little burnt out! I love getting dressed for class everyday – helps keep me inspired and confident 🙂 thank you, Katrina!
These are great tips! I love the getting dressed each day part. I haven’t been doing that and I think it would really help to get in the right mindset.