Do you wish that you could have a magical customized shampoo made just for your hair? Well, it’s possible! Function of Beauty makes completely customized shampoo and conditioner based on your hair type, problem areas, and goals. It sounds like a dream, but does it actually work? Keep reading for my honest Function of Beauty review.
About Function of Beauty
Function of Beauty classifies themselves as “the world’s most extensive customized haircare brand with the potential to create over 54 trillion unique formulations.” All you have to do is take a short quiz to create your hair profile.
The quiz asks about your hair type, structure, and moisture, as well as your hair goals. Then, Function of Beauty creates a formula unique to you! The product is fully customizable allowing you to choose the fragrance, colour, and even add your name to the bottle. The smallest bottle size is 8oz and retails for USD $39.99.
Function of Beauty Review

What initially attracted me to the Function of Beauty products was the customizable aspect. How cute is it that you get to put your name on the bottle?! Surprisingly, there’s more to the product than just cute packaging. I have seen such a huge difference in my hair since I began using these products.
My hair profile is wavy, fine, and oily. The goals I selected were oil control, volumize, anti-frizz, replenish hair, and lengthen. I definitely was a bit ambitious with all the goals I chose, but I thought, why not.
My biggest problem with my hair is that it gets super oily after only one day. I like to wash my hair every 2+ days, so I go through a ton of dry shampoo trying to make my hair look less greasy. I’ve found that the Function of Beauty shampoo and conditioner has actually made a huge difference with my oiliness. My hair still gets oily, but noticeably less which has been a miracle.
I also noticed that my hair air dries much nicer now than it did before. My hair used to air dry half wavy and half straight, which I never liked. After using Function of Beauty, my hair has been air drying evenly wavy and I’ve been using less heat because of it.

I haven’t noticed a difference in my hair in terms of the other goals I chose, which is disappointing. But I am so happy with the oil control and the even texture that I don’t really mind. The only other problem I have with the Function of Beauty products is that the fragrance isn’t super strong. This might be a good thing for some people, but I prefer my products to be super fragrant. Frunction of Beauty does offer the option to change the level of fragrance in the product, so next time I’ll add more to see if it makes a difference. Overall, it’s not a dealbreaker for me.
I’ve been using the products for three months now and still have more than half the bottle left, so it does last a long time. I’ve been really happy with the results, however, I don’t know if I would purchase again because of the cost.
Overall, I would recommend trying out the Function of Beauty shampoo and conditioner. It is extremely pricey so if you are on the frugal side – this product is not for you.
Honestly, you can probably find a product that is almost or just as good for much cheaper. If the customized experience appeals to you, then this is worth a try! It truly is a wonderful product that you can’t go wrong with.
If you are interested in purchasing a bottle, click here to get 25% off your first purchase!
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