Making resolutions for the new year is a great way to sort out your goals, however, you should also create a new year reset routine to organize your life. The new year is a fresh start for many people and it’s a great time to declutter your space and mind.
A new year reset routine can include anything you’d like, but generally, it’s a routine that you’ll do at the start of so it should include activities that prep you for the year. Examples of a new year reset routine could include taking down Christmas decorations, deep cleaning, meal planning, etc.
Need ideas for your new year reset routine? Here’s how I’m planning to kick off the new year!

Reflect on the Past Year
One of my favourite things to do at the end of the year, or at the beginning of the new year, is to reflect on the past year. I love sitting down and reflecting on the highs and the lows of the year, and it’s a great way to see how much you’ve accomplished in the last 12 months. You might not think you’ve done a lot, but that’ll quickly change once you start making a list of everything that had an impact on your life.
Deep Clean
Nothing makes me feel better than cleaning my space. It makes my head feel clearer and makes me feel like I can take on anything. I deep clean at the start of every month, so it’s only fitting to deep clean at the start of the new year. I always start with my closet. I get rid of anything that doesn’t fit me and clothes that I don’t like or don’t wear anymore. It makes me feel lighter to not have clothes in my closet that no longer serve me.
Next, I’ll go through all my drawers and throw out anything I no longer need from papers, receipts, old makeup, empty products, etc. Then I’ll reorganize my drawers, if necessary. I’ll also vacuum and swiffer my floors and wipe down my bathroom, so that everything is clean.
Make a Grocery List & Meal Plan
The new year is a great time to clean out your fridge. You may have had an abundance of food, dessert, and leftovers over the holidays, and there may be some containers piling up in your fridge. Throw out old food and anything expired.
Meal plan for the week and make a grocery list of things you need. This way, you’ll know exactly what you need from the grocery store and you won’t overspend on items you don’t need for the week.
Buy a New Planner and Calendar
I absolutely cannot go into the new year without a new planner and calendar. It makes me antsy. I NEED to have everything written out and set in stone once the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Some people might have trouble actually sticking to using a planner, but you’ll be hooked once you get the hang of it. Here are my tips for using a planner productively. The first tip, pick a planner that you love and that you WANT to use everyday. The rest will come naturally.
Create a Vision Board
Creating a vision board is one of my favourite ways to start the new year. I started making vision boards last year, and I found that it helped me visualize what I want for my life. It’s also a fun process. Find out how I create my vision board and other alternatives to New Year’s resolutions here!
Goal Plan
Set goals instead of New Year’s Resolutions. Make a list of what you hope to achieve this year and take it a step further by listing two steps you can take to make this happen. Creating a goal isn’t enough — you have to set the intention to achieve the goal. Without an action plan, you’re just putting it out in the universe and hoping it’ll happen without any effort on your part. Writing out how you plan to work towards the goal will motivate you to work towards your goal. (Click here for more tips on how to achieve your goals!)
I also use this time to look back on my past goals and see what I accomplished and what I fell short on. If you fell short on one or two of your goals last year, take a moment to reflect on what happened. Why didn’t you achieve this goal? What can you work on to get closer to achieving it in the new year?
Schedule Appointments
I love to make all of my appointments for January at once, so that I don’t have to worry about it once I get in the flow of my daily routines. I made a nail appointment, hair appointment, doctor’s appointment, and a massage. January is all about self care and a fresh start.

Yes! All those things. I need to get my vision board started for 2023.
I really like these ideas. I’ve never had a vision board before, but it sounds like it’s time for me to try one!