Happy Sunday! A fun fact about me is that I love routines, particularly my Sunday reset routine. I follow my Sunday reset routine every week and it makes me feel like I am ready to take on whatever comes.
Having a Sunday reset routine is a great way to get yourself on track before the week starts. It’s a way to hold yourself accountable, organize your life, and chase away the Sunday scaries. I feel like I can start anew every time I complete my Sunday reset routine.
My Sunday Reset Routine
Groom Pets
Grooming my pets is my favourite part about my Sunday reset routine. Usually, my three cats and dog are waiting on the carpet for me as soon as I wake up. They get so excited and immediately come sit by me as soon as I grab the brushes. Honestly, I love it just as much as they do. It’s very soothing for me to sit for a half hour and do nothing but brush them.
Laundry is an important part of my Sunday routine. I love having all of my clothes washed and put away so that I don’t have to worry about it during the week, and so that I can wear whatever I want. After I put away my clothes, I like to pick out what I’m wearing for the week.
I make my grocery list and head to the store to grab everything I need for the week, especially for lunches for work.
Clean & Water Plants
I feel more productive when my space is clean, so I make sure to clean up every weekend. I vacuum, organize, and wipe down my bathroom. It doesn’t take a lot of time and it makes me feel better. I also water my plants every Sunday so that I never forget.
How to Make Your Own Sunday Reset Routine
The whole point of a Sunday reset routine is to prep yourself for the week, so your Sunday reset routine can include anything. It’s all about what makes sense for you!
Do you hate cleaning after work, or getting groceries? Do a brain dump and make a list of all the things you do during the week, then pick out the tasks that you want to do on Sundays. Your Sunday reset routine can include anything from cleaning, goal setting, self care, etc. Some good advice is to do at least one thing for your mind, one thing for your body, and one thing for your space.
Remember, your goal is to complete these tasks every Sunday, so make sure that your list is manageable. The last thing you want is added stress because you don’t have time to check off everything on your list. You can also create a weekend reset routine, instead if that works better for you.
What does your Sunday reset routine include?
Plan ahead and create a monthly reset routine!

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